Sunday, February 25, 2018

Close-Up Photography

Close-up photography is exactly that - an up close and personal photograph of a subject. Now, don't confuse macro (which I have a different post on) with close-ups. While they are very similar, there is one key difference between the two. With macro, you are essentially trying to make the whole subject appear bigger than it really is. However with close-ups, you are only getting up close to a certain part on the subject. For example, if you are doing portraits and are experimenting with close-ups, zoom the camera up closer to their face - or you can take snaps of certain parts on their face, like their eyes, mouth, or ears.
Here are my top 2 tips for experimenting with Close-Up Photography-
1) If you take a great photograph, but you accidentally don't get close enough to the subject - you can always crop it in a little bit more. Just make sure it doesn't make your resulting image blurry. 
2) Experiment with different angles of one subject as well. With the clock and flowers, I had a few different angles to choose from for this post. 

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Color Series - Purple

This week we are exploring the color purple!
 I was really inspired by this hydrangea plant in my front yard. 
 And this spiky looking plant. 
 I was also inspired by these crunchy purple grapes.
Lastly, I was inspired by this floral arrangement from the grocery store!

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Color Series - Orange

This week, we are exploring the color orange!
With orange, I was heavily inspired by a variety of flowers I found.
 I was also inspired by these autumn leaves as they made their change.
Lastly, I was inspired by the pumpkin I picked for Halloween carving.

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Color Series - Red

This week, we are exploring the color red.
This pot of red flowers in a well. 
 This beautiful autumn leaf.
 This mysterious red plant.
 A close up of this red polish. 
 A red romper being worn by my sister.
 A red door.
 A red apple.
And lastly, a red lobster at Around the World Mini Golf.