Sunday, December 31, 2017

Photographs That Didn't Make the Cut 2017

For my last post of 2017, I wanted to take a look back at my posts this year and talk about why some of the photographs posted here didn't get chosen for their designated posts. When I take photographs for my blog, I try to take as many as I can so that I have a large variety to choose from. Then I sift through those and find the best ones to narrow them down to eight photographs. Most of the time I am able to weed photographs out because I don't like certain elements of them. Here are eight instances where this has happened with an explanation of what I didn't like about the photograph.
In this photograph, I didn't like how you couldn't properly see the zebras faces.
I didn't like the angle of this photograph because it makes the whale look oddly shaped. 
This is another one that I didn't like the angle with, I wish I had taken it so that you could see the elephant's face straight on. 
This photograph looks fine on the surface, but to me it looked a little blurry and I don't like how it almost looks more like a painting than a photograph.
The lighting in this one is a bit yellow and I don't like how the one cookie is tipped over. 
The lighting in this one is a bit too bright in some spots, and I don't like how ordinarily plain this photograph is. 
This photograph was a tough choice for me because on the one hand I can see it is kind of blurry, but it makes it look foggy which adds an interesting effect. However, I wish I had zoomed in to the trees a bit more so that the railing of the boat wasn't visible. 
This is another photograph that felt a bit too plain for me, I also should have cropped it a bit so that the sweater in the bottom wasn't visible - but I already figured I wasn't going to use this photograph for its designated post. 

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