Sunday, January 14, 2018

Color Series - Yellow

This post is the first in a photo series of color photography that I am doing throughout the year. With these photographs, I won't be sharing tips with them because that would obviously be a bit redundant. Instead, I will share what I was inspired by and what I looked for with each of the colors I do this year.
I found this flower by itself in my yard and decided it would be perfect, I ended up placing it a few different places to see what location looked the best with it and loved the way it looked on my sketchbook - as shown above. 
 Since lemons are yellow, I also figured those would be a good choice. With this photograph, I placed them randomly on top of each other on a cutting board. 
 A yellow color pencil was next, although I wish I had found a few more and thrown them in there as well. 
 This pooh cup was also a good choice, and was the focus of a lot of my photographs. 

 Yellows complementary color is purple, so I used this purple pillow with yellow flowers to show how well these colors work together. 
This is another lemon photograph, but with this one I lined them up and ended up really liking the way this looks. 

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