Friday, November 9, 2018

Trolley Museum Shoot

Recently, I had the opportunity to shoot photographs at the CT Trolley Museum. Some of the photographs were shot on the actual trolley, while some were shot on the grounds. I wanted the photographs that were on the trolley to give off a darker vibe and I think I did a pretty good job with that. Shooting on the trolley itself was definitely an interesting experience to say the least. I had some trouble getting my camera to focus because it was dark on the trolley, and people were going on and off of it - thus causing it to shake a bit while shooting. In some of the photographs, you can see the blur, but looking at them now I feel as if that adds to the aesthetic of the photographs.

If I were to do a shoot like this again, I would probably bring a tripod along to help stabilize the shots that were done on the trolley. I would also try to go at a time when it wouldn't be so busy in order to reduce the amount of people that kept making the trolley shake. 

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