Sunday, March 24, 2019

Fort Griswold Battlefield State Park

Today Em and I decided to randomly visit Fort Griswold in Groton, CT after we had a failed Mystic trip. It ended up being a really cool place to go! At the park you can see the monument, The Ebenezer Avery House, go through the covered way (basically a stone tunnel), and much more! Below are pictures that I took (besides the ones of me that Em took) -

Some tips if you want to visit:
- Wear walking shoes! Some of the paths are rocky, so be careful while on those. 
- If you bring your dog, adhere to the rules and keep them leashed. Also make sure you are cleaning up after them!
- It can be windy up there so make sure to dress accordingly and bring a hair tie to keep your hair out of your face. 

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