Sunday, July 2, 2017

Schroon River, NY

Schroon River up in the Adirondacks in New York State is a part of the larger Hudson River. It is a location where you can fish, kayak, and swim at certain spots. You just have to make sure you are doing these activities in a public area, not on private property. There are also cabins and campsites that you can stay at if you want a few days away from the hustle and bustle. I was also told that there are waterfalls someplace up there, but unfortunately I could not pinpoint them.
Here are my top 3 tips on if you plan to visit Schroon River –
1)      In some parts the water can get incredibly choppy, so just be aware of that.
2)      No littering! Preserve the beauty of this area and properly discard of your trash.
3)      Like I mentioned above, just be cautious of who’s property you might be on. Don’t trespass!

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