Sunday, June 17, 2018

Vintage Clothing Line Photoshoot

This week, Emily and I decided to do a photoshoot centered around the clothing line in our back yard. I wanted them to have a vintage look, so I decided to shoot the photographs in black and white. For the outfit, we wanted it to be reminiscent of something that would be worn back then, so we picked out a pair of overalls and a simple white tank top underneath. We had her go barefoot as that is what we envisioned it to be like in those times. We also had her pose in a chair with a soda bottle for some of the shots. Props we used included a wicker basket, an ironing board, clothes, a sheet, a lounge chair, a glass soda bottle, and some clothespins. Brady also decided to join in on the fun, all photographs below!

Do you think we achieved the look we were going for?

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