Sunday, July 22, 2018

Five Shot Only Challenge - Brady

The five shot only challenge is exactly as it sounds - you only get five shots to get a good image. I decided to really challenge myself by not only using Brady for this (who has a short attention span), but by also doing this challenge inside where the lighting isn't always perfect. I had him sit in front of my closet doors and waited until he was looking at me to get each shot. Of course timing was key because he could have looked away right as I shot the image, but luckily he didn't. The lighting doesn't look too bad in these shots either, so that's a plus as well.

This was an interesting challenge to do because I originally thought it was going to be a lot harder than it ended up being. I didn't think Brady would sit still for me, but he surprisingly did a pretty good job. I think I will end up doing this challenge again in the future with a human model to see if that ends up being easier or harder than using an animal model. 

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