Sunday, October 29, 2017

NY Cemeteries Part Two - Halloween Series

Part two of the NY cemeteries series is finally here, as is my last post for the Halloween series! This week's post is dedicated to showing the "creepier" side of cemeteries. While it is not really creepy, some of the stuff I found was quite old and even a bit weird (the teddy bear head). Some of the statues were a bit decrepit as well. However, no amount of decay could take away from the beauty of cemeteries - a little decay even adds some character to the place in my opinion.
Here are my top 5 tips for visiting cemeteries in general- 
1) Please be respectful of the deceased! Do not destroy their gravestones or any of the statues and other artifacts in the cemeteries. Look but don't touch. 
2) Also be respectful of anyone who is there grieving. 
3) If you are taking photographs, just be cautious of what you are photographing. I like to try to avoid taking photographs of actual gravestones (unless they are that of someone historical or famous).
4) Most cemeteries are only open during daylight hours - so be cautious of that.
5) Lastly, if you want to give your photographs a creepy feeling - put a black and white filter on them. Black and white is one of the most versatile filters. With cemeteries, it can give off an eerie and old timey feeling. 

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