Sunday, November 5, 2017

Macro Photography

Macro photography is when you take an up close photograph of your subject. Macro can be used to show more details of a certain subject by getting up close and personal with it. This is an interesting type of photography, because it allows you to get a different look at certain subjects. Taking Macro shots was new for me, as I had never experimented with it before. When it came to taking Macros, I experimented over the period of a week to find and take different shots of the subjects that I chose to focus on. 
Here are my top 3 tips when it comes to Macro Photography-
1) Use a camera with a good zoom - as this ensures that you will be able to get up close with the subject, and have it still remain in focus.
2) Try to find subjects that will show a lot of detail when you get up close, like the caterpillars above, however, it is okay if the subjects are quite simple as well. 
3) Be creative! Make a photograph out of a few different pieces, like I did with the bottle caps and the doily. 

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